Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mums and saints...

Some of us might think they are the same, mums and saints but yesterday and today they take on another significance. 'Toussiant' or 'All Saint(s) day' (Nov.1st) is the Catholic church's day for remembering its saints, this is followed today by 'All Souls Day', when in many countries people go to the cemetery to honour their deceased friends and relatives through prayer and the placing of flowers, mainly Chrysanthemums here in France,on their graves . Here the two days also appear to be combined, possibly to take advantage of the public holiday on the 1st.
Chrysanthemums at Martizay

Over the proceeding week retailers and markets are filled with Chrysanthemums as here in France these flowers are associated with death (couldn't find out why). In other countries they are actually a symbol of happiness and of the sun! We were not aware of this and are sure sometime in the past we took a present of this flower to someone - we can only plead ignorance.

Of course it isn't just 'mums' that are bought,there is a wide selection of flowers and plants, sadly many plastic, on offer.

Jim McNeill has an informative post on the festival of La Toussaint here...
Good information on the much maligned Chrysanthemum here...

1 comment:

  1. We received funny looks some years ago when we presented our elderly neighbor, Mme LeRoux, with a big colourful bunch of Chrysanthemums. If looks could kill!
